sorry for writing in late, well had been little busy through out this week.......but the good news is.......I got paid by trekpay, and yes for all those who were wondering whether they would get paid if they have unverified paypal account, no need to worry at all. I had a unverified paypal account and i got paid.......
So those who were holding their horses can leave them open now, and sign up real soon, as trekpay really pays........and this week too i am going to reach my payout, guyz is it really bad to make $10+ every month......I am sure you said one can resist such simple money all it takes is 15-20 minutes of your time.....its really worth it guyz......JOIN NOW
Also for those who are wondering, what trekpay is all about, i suggest read my post below I have given detailed description about the site......
Below i have added the payment proof of that site, for all those who need it....
Have fun !!!!